अ । आ । इ । ई । उ । ऊ । ऋ । ए । ऐ । ओ । औ । क । ख । ग । घ । ङ । च । छ । ज । झ । ञ । ट । ठ । ड । ढ । ण । त । थ । द । ध । न । प । फ । ब । भ । म । य । र । ल । व । श । ष । स । ह । क्ष । त्र । ज्ञ
This website has been established for the purpose of collecting and distributing the lyrics of Christian songs in the Nepali language. While several song books have been published, this website seeks to address two shortcomings of these books. The first is that books are not easily corrected and updated. The second is that these books are often not available for sale in many international locations. The songs have been arranged in alphabetical order using the first words of the songs as titles. Information about the fonts used can be found here.
Although these lyrics have been carefully transcribed from other sources (including the books ख्रीष्टीय भजन, सियोन के गीत (Song of Zion), महिमाका गीतहरू (Songs of Glory) (original & 2019), The Songs of Upasana, स्तुती प्रशंसाका गीतहरू (original and 2018) & स्वर्गीय धुन (Heavenly Melody)) and reviewed by native speakers, typographical errors may still occasionally be found. These lyrics are provided AS-IS without guarantee of correctness. The contents of this website are provided as a service to the Nepali speaking Christian community and may not be used for commercial purposes without written permission. I wish to thank my current and past reviewers including Dr. Keshab Thapa, Johny Chhantyal, Pastor Yacob Monger, Siyon Subba, Silash Ramdam, Arun Rai and Deepak Rai. Without their significant contributions, this project could not have been accomplished.
© 2013-2021, Dr. Daniel S. Brogan, copy typist and web developer